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The Importance of Leak Detection During the Rainy Season

View from the window of a private house in rainy weather

Here in Central Florida, we’re well into our rainy season.  Excessive rains can create problems with leaks throughout your home. Early detection of these leaks can prevent major damage to your home. Below is a list of key places you can check for leaks.

Keep an eye on your roof and skylights for potential damage. You absolutely don’t want the water to get into your home through your roof.  If you find damage, get it repaired as soon as possible.  Also, check your shingles to make sure none are missing.

Inspect your foundation. Be observant of things like overgrown roots that may be impacting your drain tile, or damp or stained walls or floors. 

Survey your siding. As siding is protection for your home against the elements and helps keep it more energy-efficient, make sure that everything is as it should be to avoid leaks and damage. 

There are some ways that water may gain entry into your home that is out of your control.   A large surge of rain near your home can cause significant damage to your plumbing system as well.  Excessive water can also cause ground shifting which leads to ruptured pipes underground.  And debris running into your drain pipes can create blocked pipes.  These are all issues that a qualified plumber will be able to fix. 

At Michael’s Plumbing, we know all of the problems homeowners face during this rainy time of year and we can help you out with any plumbing problem.  Our water leak repair specialists will examine your entire water supply system to find your problem. Contact us online today and set up an appointment.

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